Leading Supported Accommodation
sharing best practice
ideas and problem solving
regulations and standards
mutual support
sharing training
Leading Supporting Accommodation training
The demands in running a regulated service and the complexity of young people we are supporting is increasing. It’s crucial that nominated individuals, registered service managers, and other people taking a significant leadership role get the support and the training they need to deliver high quality services that really make a difference to young people.
This course, designed with the involvement of NIs and RSMs, focuses on the specific challenges of the Supported Accommodation sector. It draws on key principles, regulations and guidance, describes approaches to inspection, the development of a strong analytic evidence base about your service and how we create a strong, safe culture in which our young people can thrive. The course has a strong focus on leadership, how teams evolve and the use of supervision in developing effective practitioners with sound relationships with young people.
Leading Supported Accommodation training
This series of six 2-hour sessions (the equivalent of a 2-day course) explores the role and builds the skills of Nominated Individuals and Registered Service Managers.
The sessions cover the role, approaches to quality assurance, leadership, culture, regulation and building young people’s participation.
This programme is designed for both experienced individuals and those less experienced in these roles.
Session 1
Purpose of SA
Roles within SA
Support v care
Key regulations and Guidance (Regulations, Guide, SCIFF etc)
Sessions 2 and 3
Planning for inspection.
8 key principles of SA
How the SCIFF and legislation/regulation link
Key lines of enquiry
Developing and understanding evidence and triangulation
The inspection process
Session 4
Developing, leading and embedding a safeguarding culture
Understanding what happens when things go wrong
Sessions 5 and 6
The difference between leadership and management
What makes a good leader
Forming and leading teams
Staff wellbeing
Using supervision effectively
Review of sessions
Michelle Nicolson has a 20-year career in Children’s Residential Services working with Children and has previously set up a children’s home after working in long term secure home, a first of it’s kind as a transitional children’s home for young people to move to following their time in a secure children’s home. Michelle has extensive experience of managing inspections and registering homes with Ofsted, with experience in policy writing, management of staff, delivering training and extensive safeguarding knowledge. She also has experience of supporting young people at significant risk of CSE and CCE. Michelle has a history of building strong multiagency care teams to ensure that young people have their needs met and are safe and advocates for young people at every opportunity in supporting them to have their voice heard.
The course is run online using Zoom. You will receive a link and password to a launch page where you will find a set of instructions and course materials.
The price for the course is £264+VAT.
CHA, NASAP, NAFP, SW Forum, RI Network and SA Network members receive a 25% discount on both elements – members price is £199+VAT
Click here to book now or express interest…
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dialogue provides a wraparound training service for supported accommodation and children’s homes, especially at a management level. Click below to find out more or express interest.