
This work is all aimed at improving the lives of children and young people in residential care. All information you provide will be used to understand better vacancy rates in leadership positions. We may use the data to explore other issues that arise during the research.

Your personal contribution to the research will be kept confidential.

The work is being undertaken by dialogue who provide training, support and advice to residential providers. dialogue are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. The questions and aims of the research are managed by the Independent Steering Group.

No information about individuals or specific providers will be shared outside of dialogue. Only anonymised quotations and aggregated figures will be included in the report and presentations. Neither the steering group nor the funders will have access to any data about individuals.

You should not include confidential information about individuals in your responses. In particular, children and young people always come first and we work to the clear safeguarding principles around information sharing set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children.

dialogue will not contact you without your consent. You will be asked if you want to be part of focus groups to better understand the issues gathered in the survey and whether you wish to sign up to dialogue’s bulletin and receive a copy of the findings.

If you have any questions about the research, please contact us at

If you understand and accept this agreement, please click below to continue.