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John Woodhouse
quick questions
We're trying to cut down the length of the survey. Can you tick the answer options you think we should keep that will be most helpful in understanding the vacancy rate and potential solutions for RMs or Heads of Care in RSS
Tick which answer options you'd like us to keep
These answer options are all on a Likert scale... strongly agree to strongly disagree with a don't know option. The question states: "'Based on your experience how much do you agree or disagree with these statements"
RMs don’t get paid enough compared to Deputy Managers so there’s little incentive to step up
The registration process takes too long
The fit person interview puts people off becoming a Registered Manager / Head of Care
There is not enough support given to individuals undertaking the fit person process
The RM role feels unachievable – there is too much work
The RM role carries too much responsibility
There is too much paperwork as an RM
I worry about inspections too much
I had a poor experience of the RM registration process
I worry that if I do not get registered I may not be able to continue in regulated activity
The accountability of the Registered Manager / Head of Care role puts people off
Regular, good quality supervision is available to Registered manager / Head of Care
Registered manager / Head of Care gets to take their allocated leave
When leave is taken it is uninterrupted (i.e. RM not available)
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is available
CPD is useful
Working conditions are flexible (e.g. Flexi-time; blended working – time working at home/office etc)
People’s organisations are considerate of their life outside work
Registered Manager / Head of Care receives regular feedback on their performance
Registered Manager / Head of Care’s overall workload is too high
Registered Manager / Head of Care is asked to fulfil too many different roles in their job
Registered Managers / Heads of Care feel stressed by the job
The inspection process is stressful
I feel loyal to my organisation
I feel valued by my employer
I am proud to tell people I work in residential child care
Overall, I find my current job satisfying
Tick which answer options you'd like us to keep
The following questions are all on a scale of very satisfied to very dissatisfied with a don't know option.
The sense of achievement you get from your work
The opportunity to develop your skills in your job
The amount of pay you receive
Your job security
Public respect for the sort of work you do