Safeguarding Supervision

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Keeping children and adults at risk safe is too great a task to do in isolation. Staff require support and supervision to ensure oversight of key decisions, sharing of risk and emotional support with often painful subjects.

This course helps supervisors think about the nature and purpose of this task, how to hold a supervisory relationship, together with tips and tricks to avoid some of the pitfalls.

the course

This two-day course is running on January 30th & 31st 2019 from 9:30am to 4:30pm each day at Lynton House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LT.

Refreshments will be provided bu participants will be responsible for their own lunch.

Four weeks after the course participants will receive a self-evaluation form from dialogue which they will be required to complete to evidence their learning. Certificates will be sent direct to the participant on completion of the self evaluation.

For participants to be confident and competent in the supervision task and enable their supervisees to improve their practice, while keeping a clear focus on the experience of children and adults at risk

Following the course, supervisors will:

  • ensure the person at risk is at the centre of supervision
  • be clear on the role of supervision, the supervisor and the supervisee
  • understand their role outside of the supervision meeting
  • understand the principles behind supervision models
  • recognise and deliver reflective supervision
  • work within Virgin policies and link to their the local safeguarding procedures
  • recognise and work with dynamics between staff and agencies
  • be confident in developing and challenging practice
  • undertake dynamic risk assessment during supervision
  • create clear, focused and reviewable plans and actions

the trainer

John Woodhouse is the managing director of dialogue, a former senior manager who has led local authority child protection services, worked alongside health and other agency colleagues to develop a multi-agency safeguarding hub and led a major interagency child sexual exploitation enquiry. He is a qualified social worker and holds a postgraduate diploma in strategic leadership and management delivered to senior leaders in health, education and social care at the Tavistock Centre. John has particular specialisms around risk assessment in safeguarding and participation work.

John’s practice experience is child protection, although he has a working knowledge of adult safeguarding processes sufficient for the course as the focus is on supervising staff in safeguarding roles. He is currently supporting managers of children’s homes from across the southwest to improve and coordinate their training arrangements, developing a safeguarding knowledge & learning website to support designated safeguarding leads in schools and working with Bath & North East Somerset to design and implement a partnership wide awareness programme on domestic abuse.

booking a place

This course is full.

Please add your details to the Waiting List and we will keep in touch.

where to stay

If you are travelling some distance there is plenty of accommodation in and around Tavistock Square.

One cost effective option is hub by Premier Inn on Goodge Street, just over 10 minutes walk from the venue.

join the waiting list

There’s no guarantee the course will be run again in the near future, but please add your details below and we will keep you in touch with developments.

join the waiting list

other courses

dialogue is an experienced safeguarding training provider and has delivered training for Virgin Care from London to Lancashire. Our courses include:

  • Level 3 safeguarding
  • Level 4 safeguarding
  • Safeguarding supervision
  • Safer recruitment
  • Safeguarding risk assessment & analysis
  • Specialist subjects from CSE to domestic abuse

We prefer to talk about the needs of your team or service and design a specific course around the people you work with and the experiences they have.

For more information, please contact us.