Join the Community to Safeguard and Empower Children
dialogue membership
We are fortunate to be connected with well over 2,000 senior leaders in children’s residential care across England. Hundreds of you are already dialogue members – we’ve been providing support around child exploitation, therapeutic approaches, online safety, young people’s participation and safer recruitment to mention a few. dialogue is always looking at how we can better help you connect, build on great practice and learn together, so we are revitalising our membership offer to Residential Care around these principles and making them easier to attend.
• Individual members have access to all the previous online membership content, in one simple weekly meeting. We’ll be running these in a regular 1-2pm slot on a Wednesday every week with bite-size training, specialist learning, regular news and an itinerary of guest speakers covering a whole range of subjects. You’ll also still have access to discounted training (often 25% cheaper) and free initial safeguarding and regulatory advice as well as our valuable bulletin. All this additional content will be available for the same annual fee of £99+vat. Please note that individual membership will not be transferable.
• Whole home membership will open up individual membership to everyone in your children’s home, providing hours of continuous professional development in bite-size chunks. As many of your team as you wish can join the sessions, or you can pick particular subjects you think will be of most interest. Your whole team can benefit from the training discounts and you are entitled to a 10% discount on training and consultancy fees. This is tremendous value at less than the price of just four memberships – £395+vat.
• Whole organisation membership works like the whole home membership, but covers everyone in your organisation. We scale this depending on the size of your endeavour and it works out cheaper than each having whole home membership, so feel free to get in touch for a quote
As a member, you’ll enjoy:
- Weekly Online Sessions: Join us every Wednesday from 1-2 PM for bite-sized training, specialist learning, regular news, and guest speaker sessions.
- Discounted Training: Enjoy 25% off our training courses.
- Free Initial Advice: Receive free initial safeguarding and regulatory advice.
- Access to the Bulletin: Stay informed with our valuable bulletin.
- Whistleblowing Service: (included with whole home or organisational membership)
- Complaints Service: (included with whole home or organisational membership)
Independent Person Network
Being a Regulation 44 or Standard 20 Independent Person is a skilled and important job. Working alongside children and young people, listening to staff and managers, making judgements about the safety and welfare of young people and being honest & open about the progress of a home is crucial to safe care. It can also be an isolating role and there is limited support on offer.
The Independent Person Network was set up in response to requests from Regulation 44 and Standard 20 visitors to meet this need. You’ll find details of the network, benefits and opportunities for Regulation 44 training opportunities below.

South West Communities
In person meetings in South West England
We’ve created these local forums for leaders in the South West to come together 3 to 4 times per year. These communities create opportunities for sharing best practice, ideas and problem solving, reviewing regulations and standards, mutual support and networking and links for sharing training.
To read more and sign up, chose from the options below: