Supported Accommodation

dialogue provides NASAP members with training, coaching & mentoring, consultancy and regulatory/safeguarding reviews for supported accommodation partners. Working together we run the bite-size training sessions, co-chair the peer to peer meetings and support the work of the NASAP Board. 

dialogue brings a strong sense of sector knowledge to NASAP and our members. Having their support as part of our member offer and on our board is a fantastic outcome for all of us. ”
David Thompson, Chair, NASAP

This page outlines some of the work we do, but we love a conversation. Do get in touch and let us know what you and your organisation need.

Register for NASAP membership…

NASAP is a national voice for providers. You can register for membership with NASAP by visiting

No Ofsted inspection?

As much as we would prefer to avoid them altogether it can be hard to wait for an inspection. It’s good to be able to recognise good work, but also to flag areas for development yourself rather than have concerns raised by the regulator.

Built on years of providing independent assessments of residential settings for young people, we can work with you to assess yourselves against the Ofsted criteria. Visiting every other month and sharing a report, tools and action plans in between, our highly experienced consultant team will develop your setting to achieve their best at inspection, but also their best for your young people.

Find Out More Here


training courses

We’ve a developing range of courses for the Supported Accommodation sector and a number of courses that are useful for anyone working in residential care of young people. Click through to the relevant page to find out more – if you can’t find what you’re looking for then drop us a line to suggest it.

Child Sexual Exploitation training
Drugs & County Lines
dynamic safeguarding risk assessment
Introduction to Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Managing Allegations
Managing the Inspection Process
Mental Capacity & Liberty Protection Safeguards
Relationships, Sex and Consent
Return home interview training
Review of Quality Training
safeguarding children (level 3)
Safeguarding Lead training (level 5)
Safer Recruitment
Safeguarding Self-harm
Safeguarding Supervision
Smoking and Vaping Cessation
Substance Misuse
Supported Accommodation training
Trauma Informed Residential Care training pathway
Young people going missing training


Participants highly rate dialogue training for usefulness of content, meeting learning outcomes, making a difference to young people and the quality of the trainer.


(based on most recent 252 ratings on 24/4/21)

I have been involved with safeguarding both children and adults over many years as a manager, Inspector, Consultant, Director and senior leader. I was very impressed and feel more confident in my future role.

Graham Cheney, Bleep360