Responsible Individual Standards Pilot

Review and Survey

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the RI standards pilot.

A group of RIs in the South West have designed a set of standards to create conversations, to support self-reflection and to structure appraisal.  The standards were written to create conversations, to support self-reflection and to form a useful tool for your practice and we have been piloting these standards together over the last 12 months.

We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes out of your busy days to complete the survey below, to help us gather feedback on the RI standards, so that we can review effectively.

If you could please complete the below survey by Friday 29th October.  All feedback will then be reviewed before we discuss anonymously at our next RI Network meeting on 5th November 2021.

If you haven’t got a copy of your RI standards to hand, you can download a new copy below.

Download the pilot RI Standards

Where next…?

Supervising the RM and leadership are core to the RI role.

Book supervision training
Book leadership training

RI Standards survey

RI pilot standards - review

The Children's Homes (England) Regulations say very little about the role of the RI. We worked with 47 Responsible Individuals in the South West in 2018-19 to explore this important role and develop a flexible framework to better define how RIs discharge the Leadership & Management standard, particularly with reference to the role of the RM. We're interested in what you think about the pilot standards, how they've been used, ways in which they could be improved and whether you would endorse them as a useful tool for children's homes. We'll discuss these at the November meeting of the South West RI Network and produce a finalised version early in the new year. Thanks for your input

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How have you used the pilot standards in your work?
How useful have you found the standards?
What other support would you find useful around the RI role...?
Would you like us to contact you about this?
Are you a member of...
May we use your comments to promote the free dissemination of the standards?
Thanks for your input. Your information will be anonymised and shared with the South West forum to produce a finalised version of the standards. By clicking submit you confirm you are happy for us to retain and use your data in this way, and contact you as agreed above.