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safeguarding children

This group 3 course equips participants with a sound approach to safeguarding children. Beginning with values, culture and listening skills, the course equips workers with the knowledge and skills to identify, listen and respond to safeguarding concerns. We link to local policies and procedures and walk practitioners through the steps required to make a referral to children’s services, what to do if they are still worried, and some of the dilemmas, pitfalls and particular vulnerabilities when working with children and young people in care.  Read more …

dates, venues and booking
For information about when and where the next courses are running, please see below. Read more …

the course

Core training for anyone working with children. This course covers the training requirements in Working Together including identification of abuse and neglect, early help, factors at home, referrals and communication between agencies and effective intervention especially where workers encounter resistance and reluctance.  We recommend staff also access multiagency training through their local safeguarding children board.

the trainer

Rachael Courage is a trainer and consultant for dialogue. Rachael holds a masters degree in Social Work, as well as a level 5 NVQ in Management. Rachael has 20 years experience as a Social worker, and is currently practicing as a Chair for Child Protection Conferences for a Local Authority. She is an experienced trainer in child safeguarding, and child protection, and has managed sexual exploitation and missing services for Barnardos, including setting up services in new areas and working with Child Safeguarding Assurance Partnership around their strategic response to child sexual exploitation.

Rachael has been the safeguarding lead for the children and young people’s service within a hospice and has worked for the NSPCC delivering individual and group therapeutic interventions for children who have experienced abuse.

Brian Smith has experience of over 37 years in social care to work with service providers to improve services to children. What drives Brian is a continued belief that we must do better in achieving positive outcomes for children in care and use the learning from all opportunities to improve the quality of life for these children.

booking and dates

The course is £132+VAT (£99+VAT for members)

If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.

View dates and book child protection training here