MCA & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
A course from dialogue for managers and staff of care settings to consider their obligations under the mental capacity act and what this means for children and young people in their care.
With case law having changed the landscape around mental capacity and deprivation of liberty significantly in recent years it is important that leaders and staff are aware of how their actions in relation to the young people in their care may result in decisions which come under the remit of mental capacity and may potentially be depriving a young person of their liberty. This course will provide an understanding of the law and its implications for decision making. Read more …
dates, venues and booking
For information about when and where the next courses are running, please see below. Read more …
Aim of the training:
- Support candidates to understand what the use of inherent jurisdiction to safeguard children means
- Provide confidence in managing court orders and information
- Know the legal implications and when to ask for further clarification
Objectives of the training:
- To be able to use a range of data and case studies to determine the current national picture
- To exercise curiosity in the management of depriving a child of their liberty
- Understanding the expectations of information requests
- To drive planning for children and their next steps
other relevant courses
You may be interested in our Safeguarding children for leaders course, supervision, or our Level 6 leadership & management training.
dialogue design and deliver besopke training around all kinds of children’s issues and safeguarding. Get in touch to talk about your requirements.
the trainer
Jacqui McCann is a Safeguarding Consultant, Accredited Trainer, and an experienced Independent Visitor. She holds a level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management with Children and Young People and is currently studying MA Professional Practice with Children and Young People.
Throughout the various studies Jacqui has completed she has developed training packages to improve practice at all levels of individuals working with children who are looked after. Jacqui has specialised in working with children who have been impacted by exploitation and is an advocate to ensure their voices are heard and considered in decisions made around their care.
booking and dates
This one day course is held via zoom £132+VAT
If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.
CHA, NASAP, NAFP, SW Forum, and RI Network members receive a 25% discount – members price is £99+VAT