Directors, the Board and Safeguarding
Running a business supporting children living away from home is a serious endeavour and requires more than just a monetary investment. Successful children’s care away from home is skilled, value-led work and requires understanding of the requirements at every level of the organisation.
This new course from dialogue, one of the leading training organisations in the country, ensures Directors not in Responsible Individual positions have a proper understanding of their regulatory responsibilities to ensure settings are well led, safe and help young people achieve.
Suitable for: Directors of children’s homes, independent fostering organisations, supported accommodation, and residential family centres who are not in a named regulatory role (RI/NI).
the trainer
Chris Freestone is a former director and inspector who provides training and quality assurance visits to settings caring for children countrywide. She has delivered well-received board training to the largest organisations in this sector with an ability to move effectively between stories of individual children and strategic decision-making.
booking and dates
This one day course is delivered over two half day online sessions for £160+VAT.
If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.
CHA, NASAP, NAFP, SW Forum, and RI Network members receive a 25% discount – members price is £120+VAT