Children and young people in residential care report twice the level of other children of bullying in primary schools and four times the level of bullying in senior schools.
This course explores how residential workers can create a safe, anti-bullying culture within their home, signs and signals that a young person may be being bullied, and what to do in response. Read more …
dates, venues and booking
For information about when and where the next courses are running, please see below. Read more …
Children’s homes are required to have a bullying policy in place and this course uses the quality standards, research and forum theatre to give staff the skills to effectively monitor for bullying, enable young people to communicate their concerns, create a listening culture and assertively act to keep children and young people safe. The course will set the scene with research on prevalence, types of bullying, signs and symptoms and what works in creating an anti-bullying culture in a home. The facilitators will use
the trainers
Jade Campbell & Meg Searle are highly experienced actors and facilitators with backgrounds in youth work and teaching. They currently provide the Devon Safeguarding Children Board interagency child protection training workshops and have delivered a wide range of bullying interventions in school settings. Jade & Meg have worked alongside dialogue to focus this course on children’s residential care.
booking and dates
This one day course is £132+VAT and includes refreshments.
If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.
ICHA, NASAP, NAFP, SW Forum, and RI Network members receive a 25% discount – members price is £99+VAT
At this time there are no courses scheduled, however if you are interested in running this course in your organisation or would like to be notified when we arrange the next course please contact us.
At this time there are no courses scheduled, however if you are interested in running this course in your organisation or would like to be notified when we arrange the next course please contact us.