group bookings
dialogue is the preferred training provider of a wide range of organisations including Safeguarding Children Partnerships, health authorities, local authorities, children’s homes, supported accommodation, fostering agencies, schools and voluntary sector organisations. Rather than a course catalogue we speak directly to you about the needs of your organisation and design our courses to fit your needs. We have delivered a wide range of content from basic safeguarding through to specialist Child Sexual Exploitation, radicalisation or self harm courses. Read about our team, or contact us for more information
delegate bookings
You can book individual delegates onto the following courses. If you have more than 12 staff you may find it better to invite our trainer to deliver a course in your organisation. Contact us for details on
Avoiding Medication Errors Training
Three of the last four independent safeguarding investigations we have undertaken relate to errors in administering medication to young people. These sessions aim to deal with issues proactively, minimising risk to young people and avoiding the need for external scrutiny. We focus on a root cause analysis approach, with space between the sessions to audit your own setting and to share the learning with colleagues on your return.
This course explores how residential workers can create a safe, anti-bullying culture within their home, signs and signals that a young person may be being bullied, and what to do in response.
Child Protection with Disability
This course is for both child protection workers and professionals working with disabled children. We will cover the knowledge, practice issues and values that affect analysis and plans for children with additional needs.
Child sexual exploitation
Young people in residential children’s homes are particular targets for those wanting to abuse children. This course is therefore aimed specifically at those working in and managing residential children’s homes.
Directors, the Board and Safeguarding
Running a business supporting children living away from home is a serious endeavour and requires more than just a monetary investment. Successful children’s care away from home is skilled, value-led work and requires understanding of the requirements at every level of the organisation.
Dynamic risk in residential care
In the event of an emergency or during unforeseen circumstances, dynamic risk evaluations are conducted on the scene. This training equips employees with the knowledge and abilities to conduct a structured risk assessment that aids in the decision-making process.
General data protection regulation
These new regulations significantly affect any organisation holding personal data. With new requirements around registration, consent and processing of young people and their families’ information, together with substantial penalties attached, it will require some sharpening of practice and clarity of guidance for staff. dialogue has brought in experts on ethics and law around data protection and worked to produce a one-day mini-conference for leaders in the residential child care sector.
Grow Your Own
This course provides the care, support and challenge to enable people to step-up within their setting, building on the support around them as they acquire the necessary skills to develop on their leadership journey, easing the transition and gaining the confidence to succeed.
Health, Safety, Food,
Fire & First Aid
We are now able to offer places on a range of Health & Safety, Fire Safety and First Aid courses. These courses run on a request basis- please contact us using the form below to enquire.
Introduction to harmful sexual behaviours
Young people in care have a greater need for protection, but may also have had experiences which create the conditions for them to pose a risk to others. This course examines the real dilemmas in working with young people, how to begin to identify risk, and keeps a strong focus on the rights to a healthy childhood for all the young people involved.
Managing Allegations
This course will ensure managers have the skills to prioritise the safety of children and young people, work within interagency procedures and guidance and properly support their staff through proportionate decision-making and a caring approach.
Managing the Inspection Process – Challenge and Compromise
As the Ofsted landscape continues to change, particularly for our colleagues in residential care and supported accommodation, this training will look at the inspection of children’s homes and supported accommodation in detail, seeking to define and broaden our understanding of the process. Ultimately, this training will seek to empower and embolden, providing knowledge and practical support to help you manage your inspection.
Mental capacity act & deprivation of liberty
A course from dialogue for managers and staff of care settings to consider their obligations under the mental capacity act and what this means for children and young people in their care.
The most common form of abuse, neglect affects not only young people’s quality of life but their sense of self and self-worth, risk taking behaviours and understanding of relationships. It can lead to enduring problems through adolescence into adulthood. This course explores how neglect impacts on children’s physical and cognitive development, considers how we assess and communicate about neglect and introduces some tools to assess the impact of parental neglect on children.
Online Safety
The risks associated with an ever expanding online world are significant, but how do we ensure that children and young people can embrace new technology whilst remaining safe? Aimed at anyone working with children and young people and wanting to expand their knowledge of current issues in online safety, this course considers where the risks lie and how to work with children and young people to keep safe online.
Outstanding Residential Care for Children & Young People with Disabilities
Our Outstanding Residential Care course examines the underpinning framework for outstanding care and draws on our trainers’ decades of experience in creating the ambition, culture, training, and monitoring environment required to enable our young people to achieve great things.
Responding to Drugs, County Lines & Child Criminal Exploitation
We understand how challenging it can be to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in what may exploit them; causing lasting harm and trauma. Even more so, how to intervene, disrupt, and safeguard them when they are embroiled.
Regulation 44 training
Regulation 44 independent people have had limited access to training. This course, set up at the request of the South West Regulation 44 Forum, aims to fill that gap.
Relationships, Sex and Consent
This course looks at equipping staff with the skills to support healthy relationships and healthy choices for young people, giving them the skills and confidence to know when they are ‘really ready’.
Responsible individual training
This programme is designed for both experienced individuals and those less experienced in this role. This is a role which has become more defined in terms of the expectations of regulators and commissioners, despite the lack of explicit regulation.
Return Home Interviews
Our return home interview training supports independent people to focus on reducing the need for young people to go missing. This course explores how to equip participants with the knowledge and abilities to respond promptly to referrals and work alongside young people to understand the reasons they left, where they have been, and the level of harm they have experienced. Most importantly to work with local agencies and the child’s family and carers about what needs to change to reduce this in future.
Review of Quality Training
Putting this significant document together can be a significant endeavour? When is it enough and what is put in? How to examine and analyse it, as well as what criteria Ofsted uses? This half-day programme aims to offer solutions by emphasising explanation, legislation, SCCIF, sharing of experiences, learning from one another, and examples to back them up.
Safeguarding children
This group 3 course equips residential workers with a sound approach to safeguarding children. The course equips workers with the knowledge and skills to identify, listen and respond to safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding Lead training (Level5)
Our course is in depth, aligned to the guidance, and built on the experience of hundreds of leaders who have previously completed the course.
Safeguarding self harm
This course is aimed at practitioners working with young people who may be self harming and aims to ensure that practitioners understand what to look for and how to respond to a young person who may be self-harming.
Safeguarding supervision
Providing a safe space to support and challenge your staff is a key function of leaders in homes and schools. This course covers how to use supervision to shape your staff team and lives of the young people they support.