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Child Protection with Disability

Young people with disabilities are almost four times as likely to be abused or neglected. In residential care, the risk rises further due to the number of people involved in their care. This course focuses in on the experience of children and young people, the factors behind the increased risks and how to address them.

dates, venues and booking
For information about when and where the next courses are running, please see below see below…

Inclusive practice is about the attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. It means supporting diversity by accepting and welcoming people’s differences and promoting equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all.

It leads us to look at how we support a safeguarding culture, ours and others, practice and outcomes for children and young people

Inspectors, leaders and managers in residential care providing for children with disabilities, or leading settings with specialisms such as child and adolescent mental health.

By the end of the course participants will:

  • To be able to describe the definitions/ content associated with additional needs and safeguarding
  • To be able to outline the safeguarding culture which will be most effective for these children and young people.
  • To review your own capacity to make judgements which are in the best safeguarding interests of children and young people.
  • To extend your knowledge base on how we hear and understand what children and young people with additional needs are telling us
  • Keep children’s experience at the centre of the process.

the trainers

Chris Freestone has worked with young people across health, education and social care. She began as a paediatric nurse becoming a nurse lecturer at Exeter College, then retrained in education culminating in a post as the head teacher at the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust – a school for young people with the most complex health needs. In between she has fitted in work as the director of an independent fostering agency and as a lead inspector for CSCI and with Ofsted. Chris has a strong footing in reflective, challenging practice and encourages participants to explore their experience, compare these to the requirements of the regulatory and inspection framework and take action that is right for young people.

Rachael Courage is a trainer and consultant for dialogue. Rachael holds a masters degree in Social Work, as well as a level 5 NVQ in Management. Rachael has 20 years experience as a Social worker, and is currently practicing as a Chair for Child Protection Conferences for a Local Authority. She is an experienced trainer in child safeguarding, and child protection, and has managed sexual exploitation and missing services for Barnardos, including setting up services in new areas and working with Child Safeguarding Assurance Partnership around their strategic response to child sexual exploitation.

Rachael has been the safeguarding lead for the children and young people’s service within a hospice and has worked for the NSPCC delivering individual and group therapeutic interventions for children who have experienced abuse.

booking and dates

This one day course is delivered over two online sessions for £132+VAT.

If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.

CHA, NASAP, NAFPSW Forum, and RI Network members receive a 25% discount – members price is £99+VAT

View dates and book training for Child Protection with disability