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designated safeguarding lead training

Designated Safeguarding Lead training is required a minimum of every two years, although we recommend annual updates to build confidence and capacity.

We offer individual places (below), or can come to your school and work with your safeguarding team. Contact Safeguarding Network for more details.

dates, venues and booking
For information about when and where the next courses are running, please see below. Read more …

Looking for our children’s home safeguarding lead training? Click here

the course


This is an advanced safeguarding course. Staff attending should already be familiar and experienced with the basic tenets of safeguarding children.

Learning aims:

  • To act as the DSL or Deputy DSL as defined within Keeping  Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • To set, with the senior team and governors, the safeguarding culture for the school
  • To put the needs of the child first in decision making.
  • To recognise the potential indicators of child maltreatment
  • To recognise the indicators associated with other risks such as the use of the internet, CSE etc
  • To be able to effectively record and report safeguarding/child protection concerns
  • To be able to share information with a range of partners and professionals as required.
  • To ensure that staff training and tested knowledge base is maintained.


Catherine Irvine is an HCPC registered qualified Social Worker and NSPCC trained child protection trainer, with over 20 years’ experience working with vulnerable children. Passionate about supporting others with their safeguarding and child protection responsibilities, Catherine has held both senior and front-line roles within local authorities, schools and children’s centres including leading safeguarding in schools.

Ruby Parry is a registered social worker with nearly 40 years of experience in child protection roles to Director of Children’s Services & Communities level, has been an Independent Chair of Local Safeguarding Children Boards, authored numerous serious case reviews including a joint domestic homicide review, and designed and led the delivery of safeguarding training for Ofsted from 2012 to 2014.

booking and dates

This is a one day course and contributes to a designated safeguarding lead’s required training.

If you have booked five places the sixth place is free.

ICHA, SW Forum and RI Network members receive a 25% discount.

At this time there are no courses scheduled. If you are looking for an individual place please fill in the form on the right. If you want to book the course for your organisation or setting please contact Safeguarding Network.

The DSL course is run by our sister company, Safeguarding Network


If you wish to book Safeguarding Lead training for your Children’s home instead, via dialogue, please register your interest below….

Safeguarding lead training for Children’s Homes