South West RI Network

Next RI Network Meeting Dates are:

25th June 2024 10am-4pm at Kenn Centre, 3 Exeter Rd, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7UE

24th September 2024 10am-4pm at Kenn Centre, 3 Exeter Rd, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7UE

10th December 2024 10am-4pm at Kenn Centre, 3 Exeter Rd, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7UE

Our quarterly face-to-face network meetings have resumed and we are also continuing to run weekly support meetings every Wednesday morning at 10am for responsible individuals, with commissioners joining on a bi-weekly basis.  If you would like to join these, please email your request to

The SW RI Network events are open to responsible individuals across the South West and is a great opportunity to share ideas, seek support and improve practice. We develop the agenda with members and share ahead of each event. Typically there is a strategic focus, with reflection on the role of the Responsible Individual and the joys of managing Registered Managers.

Through the pandemic we moved to an online RI Network and members have asked that we keep this going. We have moved the online element of RI Network to a new membership from January 2022 ‘Residential Leadership Group’ – with the pandemic price rises your membership fee doesn’t quite cover the weekly online meetings and the face-to-face events! RI Network members will have a 25% discount to attend these online monthly sessions throughout the year. The sessions all include an update on what is happening in the residential world, impact of the pandemic, peer group support sessions and a CPD focus area.

You can register by visiting the page for our Residential Leadership Group.

Welcome to the SW RI Network.

You will find all the resources you need on the day and those from previous events.

We hope you find it useful.

10:00 – Introductions – John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone

10:10 – Sector Update – Chris Freestone

10:30 – RM vacancies – John Woodhouse

John will pilot a session contributing to the work on creating an understanding of the factors around recruitment and retention

11:30 – Coffee Break

11:45 – Partnership working – John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone with Commissioners

All South West Commissioners are invited to join us from 11.30am-4pm
We will explore shared areas of practice, our ambitions for the group and the format going forward. We will also provide updates on the projects underway and develop the ideas of the work done last time to take this forward.

13:00 – Lunch break

13:45 – Partnership working (continued)– John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone with South West Commissioners

Continuing our discussions from the morning session, we will be reviewing plans from our last meeting in regards to fulfilling family relationships, emergency placements and contingency planning, placement plans for 16-17 year olds and funding plans/structures with local authorities, setting targets for the coming year.

15:45 – Plenary

16:00 – Close

Your feedback is important – if you could please take a few minutes to complete our online evaluation, we’d be grateful. For the question on ‘venue’, please comment on the ease of access and use of technology.  To start the evaluation, click here.


word logo RI Network notes 25.6.24

AGENDA 25th June 2024:

10:00 – Introductions – John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone

10:15 – Sector Update – Chris Freestone

11:15 – Coffee Break

11:30 – ‘Creative ways of working…..’ – Gail Collins and Andy Simms

Following on from our weekly meetings this is the opportunity to review models , practice and ideas/ thoughts  which can then contribute to the discussions around SW sufficiency after lunch with commissioners.

13:00 – Lunch break (with Commissioners joining)

13:45 – South West Sufficiency  – John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone with South West Commissioners

We’re aiming to do some work to bring together RIs from local providers and South West Commissioners to create a stronger and open understanding of the issues surrounding sufficiency in the South West and plan a way forward together. The aim is for us to see provision of effective and affordable residential care of young people as a joint endeavour.

15:45 – Plenary

16:00 – Close


10:00 – Introductions – John Woodhouse and Chris Freestone

10:15 – Sector Update – Chris Freestone

10:45 – ‘Outstanding leaders / Outstanding homes’ – Chris Freestone

Challenges from an RI perspective, with peer reflection and discussion

12:15 – Reviewing the RI Standards – Chris Freestone

Please download a copy of the current RI standards using the button below, so we can review and discuss for 2023 revisions.

13:00 – Lunch break

14:00 – Recruiting Residential Staff – Andy Simms, Nick Scribbins and John Woodhouse

Recruiting staff in residential care is high cost, high risk activity with limited success for many. We’ll explore successful strategies together and consider how we might work regionally to bring more staff into the sector in a more cost and time effective way, building on the discussion in the RI coordination meeting on 25th October 2023.

15:45 – Plenary

16:00 – Close

South West RI Standards final v6 – 4th December 2023

Outstanding leader equals outstanding home or does it 4.12.23

Sector updates December 2023

From Christine’s presentations

PowerPoint logoRI Network meeting 7.2.22

From John’s presentation

PowerPoint logo  Presentation

From Maryann’s presentation

PDF iconPresentation

  From Independence to Interdependence – article

If you’d like to book Maryann to come and speak to your team or organisation, please contact us.

Click below for PDF download of presentation for talking with trauma-experienced young people, by Rachel Shepperd

Talking with trauma experienced young people

Click below for PDF download of presentation for the three Vital Questions, by Ruby Parry

3VQ presentation